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My Very Handiwork

In this recent general conference , Elder Karl D. Hirst spoke about feeling the love of God in our lives. He suggested that while God’s love does not leave us, we do not always feel it. He said, “Perhaps you are wrestling with grief, depression, betrayal, loneliness, disappointment, or other powerful intrusion into your ability to feel God’s love for you. If so, these things can dull or suspend our ability to feel as we might otherwise feel. For a season at least, perhaps you will not be able to  feel  His love, and knowledge will have to suffice.” He suggested several things that we might try to feel that love again: “Birdsong, feeling the sun or a breeze or rain on my skin, and times when nature puts my senses in awe of God—each has had a part in providing me with heavenly connection. Perhaps the comfort of faithful friends will help. Maybe music? Or serving? Have you kept a record or journal of times when your connection with God was clearer to you? Perhaps you could invite those yo

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