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Triumphant Through the Air

As a part of his 100 th birthday celebration , President Nelson recorded a message. In it he said this: “I am very grateful to know that God has plan for his children that makes it possible for us to return to His holy presence. A mortal birthday is not an endpoint. It is a step in our eternal progression. Central to Heavenly Father’s plan is the atoning sacrifice of His Beloved Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. How I love Him! How grateful I am to know Him! How thankful I am for His redeeming and healing power. How grateful I am for His unfailing love and His generous guidance to me as He leads His Church. My dear brothers and sisters, the length of your life is not as important as the kind of life that you live. For each of us, even for a 100-year-old man, life passes quickly. My prayer is that you will let God prevail in your life. Make covenants with Him. Stay on the covenant path. Prepare to return to live with Him again.” It is fitting that central to this summary of what he has le

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