Elder Scott and Marriage

As I think about Elder Scott, the love he had for his wife and family immediately comes to mind.  Anyone familiar with the talks that he gave at general conference will know of the deep love in particular that he held for his wife.  What an example he a faithful husband and father he was to all of us.  Thinking about this I decided to look at some of his talks in which he mentioned his wife Jeanene.  Here’s a sampling of some things he has said about his wife:

·         “On July 16, 1953, my beloved Jeanene and I knelt as a young couple at an altar in the Manti Utah Temple. President Lewis R. Anderson exercised the sealing authority and pronounced us husband and wife, wedded for time and for all eternity. I have no power to describe the peace and serenity that come from the assurance that as I continue to live worthily, I will be able to be with my beloved Jeanene and our children forever because of that sacred ordinance performed with the proper priesthood authority in the house of the Lord” (April 2011).
·         “Later, as I was about to graduate from the university, I fell in love with a beautiful young woman named Jeanene Watkins….  One night when we were talking about the future, she carefully wove into the discussion a statement that changed my life forever. She said, ‘When I marry, it will be to a faithful returned missionary in the temple.’ I hadn’t thought much about a mission before then. That night my motivation to consider missionary service changed dramatically” (April 2014).
·          “Anyone who stands at this pulpit to deliver a message feels the strength and support of members throughout the world. I’m grateful that that same support can come from a beloved companion on the other side of the veil. Thank you, Jeanene” (April 2012).
·         “But as a young man, like many of you today, I had no way to judge personally the importance of a mission. I fell in love with an exceptional young woman. At a critical point in our courtship, she made it very clear that she would only be married in the temple to a returned missionary. Duly motivated, I served a mission in Uruguay.  It was not easy….  At the same time, my future eternal companion, Jeanene, was being molded to become an exceptional wife and mother by her own mission” (April 2006).
·         “I know that the principles we have discussed are true. They have been proven in my own personal life. With my companion, Jeanene, who excels me in every worthwhile quality, I have walked the path shared with you today. I know these truths are correct. I pray that somehow there will come a reinforcement through the Spirit to your mind and heart of their great worth when they are challenged in your life” (April 1991).
·         “Please pardon me for speaking of my precious wife, Jeanene, but we are an eternal family. She was always joyously happy, and much of it came from service to others. Even while very ill, in her morning prayer she would ask her Father in Heaven to lead her to someone she could help. That sincere supplication was answered time and again. The burdens of many were eased; their lives were brightened. She was blessed continually for being an instrument directed by the Lord” (April 2011).

All of these quotes show the deep love that Elder Scott held for his wife.  I’m confident that now they are finally reunited after 20 years of separation.  As he said in one of his talks on marriage, “I know what it is to love a daughter of Father in Heaven who with grace and devotion lived the full feminine splendor of her righteous womanhood. I am confident that when, in our future, I see her again beyond the veil, we will recognize that we have become even more deeply in love. We will appreciate each other even more, having spent this time separated by the veil” (April 2011).  What an incredible reunion they must now be having.

The Savior said that the greatest commandment was this: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” (Matt. 22:37).  Elder Scott was surely a near perfect example of one who loved God with all of his heart as he served so faithfully so many years.  He was also one who loved people with everything he had, especially his wife.  His example and teachings related love and the marriage covenant will bless lives and families for generations to come. 


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