
Showing posts from 2015

Two Houses

Laman and Lemuel: Likening the Words of Isaiah

The Wheat and the Tares

Stories of Riches in Luke

The Faith of Joan

Christ's Perfect Humility

The Word

The Faith of Zacharias

He Opened Not His Mouth

Anchored in Christ

The Symbol of Our Membership

Divine Love

Sufficient unto the Day is the Evil Thereof

You Can't Lay Siege on a City With Inner Provisions

Testimonies of the Family

The Three Deaths

The Spirit of Prophecy

Four Exoduses

Tithing Settlement

Balaam and the Wages of Unrighteousness

The Greatest Challenge

Jacob and the Voice of the Lord

Gems in Jude

Stakes of Zion

The Unfathomable Suffering

Bear the Vessels of the Lord

Be Ye Clean

Faith in Our Children

The Mission of John the Baptist

Seek Spiritual Gifts

Spirit World, Resurrection, and Judgment

Christ in the Premortal Existence

Struck With Wonder and Amazement

The Ephemeral and the Eternal

Suffer as a Christian

The Tyranny of the Unweighted Agenda

A Test

Prayer According to James

It Will Surprise You

Patience in Trials

Paul's Lessons to the Romans

Out of Obscurity and Darkness

Moroni and the Scriptures

The Metaphor of Philemon

Every One That Nameth the Name of Christ

The Chains

True Doctrine

Safety in Zion

The Savior's Visits

The Book of Mormon Capstone

The Great Vision

If Ye Will Hear His Voice

Fear and Trembling

The Riches of Christ

The Epistle to the Hebrews and the Book of Mormon

Abel's Faith

The Last Days

James the Lord's Brother

The Rest of the Lord

The Great High Priest

The Most Important Work

Only One True Shepherd

Music in the Scriptures

The Parentage of Moses

Feeding the Flock

Facing the Responsibilities

The Choice of 1849

With Torches Still Lit

Confidence in Salvation

Pay Thy Debt and Live

Nephi: A Model to Follow

Relevant Revelation

Three Pillars of Protection

Love and the Commandments

The Nephite Spiritual Collapse

The Wind


The Family and Church Organization

The Ninety and Nine

Our Seed

The Sabbath

Understanding the Scriptures