Protecting Our Families
In the midst of describing a war between the Nephites and
the Lamanites, Mormon wrote, “And again, the Lord has said that: Ye shall
defend your families even unto bloodshed. Therefore for this cause were the
Nephites contending with the Lamanites, to defend themselves, and their
families, and their lands, their country, and their rights, and their religion”
(Alma 43:47). Throughout the Nephite
record we see that many times they had to go to war to do just that—defend
their families and their freedom. The
righteous Nephites went reluctantly but did indeed risk, and often gave, their
lives in order to protect their families.
These stories may seem to some to have little to do with our own lives
if we live in peaceful times where war seems only to happen in foreign
countries or past decades, but there is surely great symbolism in the stories
about war. In particular, I believe
there is something for us to learn in the way that Mormon emphasized how
Nephite fathers sought to protect their wives and children—the way we do that
today may be different, but we must do the same thing nonetheless.
are numerous examples in the Book of Mormon in which Mormon told us that the
Nephite men fought for their families.
In the time of Limhi when they were surrounded and oppressed by the
Lamanites, “The people of Limhi began to drive the Lamanites before them; yet
they were not half so numerous as the Lamanites. But they fought for their
lives, and for their wives, and for their children; therefore they exerted
themselves and like dragons did they fight" (Mosiah 20:11). The Nephites were outnumbered and heavily
disadvantaged, but their desire to protect their families and children was so
great that they fought “like dragons.”
At the time of Amlici after the commencement of the reign of the judges,
great tumult broke out as a sort of civil war began. When the Nephites found out that the
Lamanites had joined with the Amlicites, one exclaimed, "And they are upon
our brethren in that land; and they are fleeing before them with their flocks,
and their wives, and their children, towards our city; and except we make haste
they obtain possession of our city, and our fathers, and our wives, and our
children be slain" (Alma 2:25). It
was their families they were concerned about, and that was what pushed them to
fight valiantly and defeat them even though the enemy was “so numerous that
they could not be numbered” (Alma 2:35).
In the great war between the Lamanites and Nephites that we have so much
detail about, Mormon was very clear that the Nephites were fighting to defend
and protect their families: "And now the design of the Nephites was to
support their lands, and their houses, and their wives, and their children,
that they might preserve them from the hands of their enemies" (Alma 43:9). He said again, "Nevertheless, the
Nephites were inspired by a better cause, for they were not fighting for
monarchy nor power but they were fighting for their homes and their liberties,
their wives and their children, and their all, yea, for their rites of worship
and their church" (Alma 43:45).
When Captain Moroni stood before Zemnarihah, he likewise proclaimed
their purpose to defend their families speaking of the “the sacred support
which we owe to our wives and our children” (Alma 44:5). In the years that followed Mormon again said
that Moroni “was preparing to support their liberty, their lands, their wives,
and their children, and their peace, and that they might live unto the Lord
their God," and Helaman likewise wrote of their desire “to maintain our
lands, and our possessions, and our wives, and our children, and the cause of
our liberty” (Alma 48:10, 58:12). Again
and again we see that Mormon wanted us to understand that the Nephites found to
defend their families.
think there is certainly a lesson in that for us today. We may not find ourselves in many situations
where we have to physically protect our families—though certainly that is the
case for some—but no matter where we live we do have to seek to protect them
from the pervasive influence of evil. As
Sister Reeves taught in a recent
general conference, we must do those things that will “add protection to
our homes” from the evils of the world such as pornography. Elder Ballard once
cautioned parents that we need to “protect our families from the current
flood of TV violence”—and that was nearly 30 years ago. If it was a flood then, then it must be a
raging torrent now that the Internet can reach us anywhere and anytime. As we seek to help our families navigate the
wicked world we live in today we can take courage that the Nephites too fought
for their families and were willing to make great sacrifices in order to do
that. There’s no question for most of us
that we would risk our lives physically to defend our children or spouse from mortal
danger. But with unseen enemies threatening
from all around, will we sacrifice the time necessary with our families to read
scriptures, pray, perform temple and family history work, and do those activities
the prophets have pleaded with us to do if that’s what it takes to protect
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