That Ye May Profit Thereby
Most days in our home we try to read scriptures with our children in the evening right before bed. As we try to shut down their other activities and call them into the living room, we say something like, “Come sit down on the couch for scriptures.” Somehow they seem to hear instead, “Go walk around the kitchen and eat.” So we usually spend several minutes trying to convince them that this was not what we actually said and that we really want them participating with us reading the scriptures. We have varying levels of success each night, but my wife and I usually must content ourselves with having only some of our six children present in the room as we discuss the scriptures in Come, Follow Me. The image that lately has come to mind is one from my high school physics class: our children are like electrons circling the nucleus, never stopping their movement but also never arriving at the center place. Thinking about this small struggle that we have, I appreciated Brother Mark L. Pace’s comments in general conference about why we study the scriptures and program. He quoted this from the Come, Follow Me introduction: “The aim of all gospel learning and teaching is to deepen our conversion to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ…. The kind of gospel learning that strengthens our faith and leads to the miracle of conversion doesn’t happen all at once. It extends beyond a classroom into our hearts and homes. It requires consistent, daily efforts to understand and live the gospel. Gospel learning that leads to true conversion requires the influence of the Holy Ghost.” Elder Pace commented, “That is the miracle we seek—when one person has an experience in the scriptures and that experience is blessed by the influence of the Holy Ghost…. Conversion is our goal.” I love that clarity of purpose. For our family the goal should not necessarily be that all the kids obediently sit down and we get through a chapter in the scriptures together. Rather, the goal is for them to feel the influence of the Holy Ghost and for our experience in the scriptures to strengthen their conversion to the Savior and His gospel. If that happens in some small way, even if there is a little chaos and wandering in the process, we will have succeeded in our purpose.
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