Continue in Prayer

Many years ago President Nelson told a story about the power of prayer. He and his wife were with President Kimball in New Zealand where a cultural program had been prepared by the youth for him. President and Sister Kimball both became very sick with high fevers on the day the performance was to be held. N. Eldon Tanner was asked to go in his stead, and President Nelson stayed back to help take care of President and Sister Kimball during the meeting. President Nelson recounted, “While President Kimball was sleeping, I was quietly reading in his room. Suddenly President Kimball was awakened. He asked, ‘Brother Nelson, what time was this evening’s program to begin?’ ‘At seven o’clock, President Kimball.’ ‘What time is it now?’ ‘It’s almost seven,’ I replied. President Kimball quickly said, ‘Tell Sister Kimball we are going!’ I checked President Kimball’s temperature. It was normal! I took Sister Kimball’s temperature. It was also normal!” He continued, “They quickly dressed and got into an automobile. We were driven to the stadium of the Church College of New Zealand. As the car entered the arena, there was a very loud shout that erupted spontaneously. It was most unusual! After we took our seats, I asked Sister Nelson about that sudden sound. She said that when President Tanner began the meeting, he dutifully excused President and Sister Kimball because of illness. Then one of the young New Zealanders was called upon to pray. With great faith, he gave what Sister Nelson described as a rather lengthy but powerful prayer. He so prayed: ‘We are 3,000 New Zealand youth. We are assembled here, having prepared for six months to sing and dance for Thy prophet. Wilt Thou heal him and deliver him here!’ After the ‘amen’ was pronounced, the car carrying President and Sister Kimball entered the stadium. They were identified immediately, and instantly everyone shouted for joy!” I love that it was a youth who prayed President Kimball there—he clearly had great faith and the Lord healed the prophet and inspired him to come well before the prayer was even said so he could arrive in that very moment. The Lord showed that day that He does indeed hear and answer the prayers of His children.  

                In our dispensation the Lord has given us many invitations to fervently pray like this young man did in New Zealand. He said to Martin Harris: “If he will bow down before me, and humble himself in mighty prayer and faith, in the sincerity of his heart, then will I grant unto him a view of the things which he desires to see” (Doctrine and Covenants 5:24). In another revelation He also said to Martin: “Pray always, and I will pour out my Spirit upon you, and great shall be your blessing—yea, even more than if you should obtain treasures of earth and corruptibleness to the extent thereof” (Doctrine and Covenants 19:38). Surely those are invitations for all of us. To the Prophet Joseph the Savior said, “And if thou wilt inquire, thou shalt know mysteries which are great and marvelous; therefore thou shalt exercise thy gift, that thou mayest find out mysteries, that thou mayest bring many to the knowledge of the truth” (Doctrine and Covenants 6:11). If we will inquire in faith, He can make the mysteries of God known unto us. The Lord also invited us, “Pray always, that you may come off conqueror; yea, that you may conquer Satan, and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work” (Doctrine and Covenants 10:5). Mighty prayer will protect us from the power of the adversary. The Lord emphasized the need to pray in all different situations when He said to Joseph Knight: “Behold, I manifest unto you, Joseph Knight, by these words, that you must take up your cross, in the which you must pray vocally before the world as well as in secret, and in your family, and among your friends, and in all places” (Doctrine and Covenants 23:6). I love this promise that the Lord gave us that He does indeed hear all of our prayers: “Behold, this is pleasing unto your Lord, and the angels rejoice over you; the alms of your prayers have come up into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth, and are recorded in the book of the names of the sanctified, even them of the celestial world” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:2). Of course, our prayers are not always answered as immediately or dramatically as the young man’s prayer in this story, but the Lord has promised that He does hear us. President Nelson commented, “I recognize that, on occasion, some of our most fervent prayers may seem to go unanswered. We wonder, ‘Why?’ I know that feeling! I know the fears and tears of such moments. But I also know that our prayers are never ignored. Our faith is never unappreciated. I know that an all-wise Heavenly Father’s perspective is much broader than is ours. While we know of our mortal problems and pain, He knows of our immortal progress and potential. If we pray to know His will and submit ourselves to it with patience and courage, heavenly healing can take place in His own way and time.” We can each “continue in prayer” as the Lord has asked and trust that He will hear and answer us in His time and with His great power (Doctrine and Covenants 88:76).  


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