Trust in God

Alma told his son Helaman, “I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions” (Alma 36:3).  It seems that Helaman really held tight to that counsel, for he truly needed it later in life when he was in the midst of the great war between the Nephites and the Lamanites.  His letter to Moroni is a testimony that he saw this promise of his father fulfilled:

·         “They do put their trust in God continually” (Alma 57:27)
·         “We trust in our God who has given victory over those lands” (Alma 58:33)
·         “We trust God will deliver us” (Alma 58:37)

He really saw the fulfillment of this as he led the 2000 stripling warriors and all of them were miraculously saved by their unfailing trust in God.  I think that Helaman must have thought back a lot on that promise given by his father throughout his life and in particular during this war.  He could then proclaim with his father, “I have been supported under trials and troubles of every kind… yea, God has delivered me from… death” (Alma 36:27).


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