Learn a Parable of the Fig Tree
Yesterday I wrote about what the Lord expects us to learn,
including learning of Christ and learning to do His will. There’s another interesting command that He
gave regarding something very specific that we should learn. In His discourse on the Mount of Olives
during His final week He told the disciples, “Now learn a parable of the fig
tree—When its branches are yet tender, and it begins to put forth leaves, you
know that summer is nigh at hand; So likewise, mine elect, when they shall see
all these things, they shall know that he is near, even at the doors; But of
that day, and hour, no one knoweth; no, not the angels of God in heaven, but my
Father only” (JSM 1:38-40). This counsel
is repeated in the Matthew and Mark versions of the discourse (Matt. 24:32,
Mark 13:28), and the Lord referred to it again in our dispensation. Speaking of “the poor and the meek” who will “have
the gospel preached unto them” in the latter days, He said, “They shall be looking
forth for the time of my coming, for it is nigh at hand—And they shall learn the
parable of the fig tree, for even now already summer is nigh” (D&C
The invitation
here from the Savior is to “learn a parable of the fig tree.” The parable is straightforward because He
gave us the explanation; just as we can tell when the summer is close based on
the growth and leaves of the fig tree, we should be able to see the signs of
the coming of the Savior and know that His arrival is close. So I don’t think that the real work for us is
learning the meaning of this parable—it is not hard to understand. I think the real learning that He expects us
is to learn to apply the parable of
the fig tree; in other words, we need to learn to discern the signs of the
times and see when they are being fulfilled.
Wilford Woodruff said this: “The Lord
will not delay his coming because of their unbelief, and the signs both in
heaven and earth indicate that it is near. The fig trees are leafing in sight
of all the nations of the earth, and if they had the Spirit of God they could
see and understand them.” We are to
learn the prophecies of the scriptures and then watch as they come to pass in
our day—something we can only do if, as President Woodruff said, we have the
Spirit of God to help us understand them.
And in addition to learning to see the signs of the times for what they
are, we also show that we understand the parable of the fig tree when we prepare
for the coming of the Son of Man. As the
Savior put it, “Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think
not, the Son of Man cometh…. Blessed is that servant whom his lord, when he
cometh, shall find so doing” (JST Matt 1:48, 50). If we have truly learned the parable of the
fig tree, then we will know that the signs of the times are all around us and
we will be ready spiritually for that great day when He will come again.
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