That Which is of God
To my son,
This week we studied section 50 of the Doctrine and Covenants. This was given in the early days of the church when people were often confused as to how they should act. As they joined the new church they brought ideas and practices which were not always in line with what the Lord wanted for them. One article describes how in their worship services “some would fancy to themselves that they had the sword of Laban, and would wield it as expert as a light dragoon … some would slide or scoot and [on] the floor, with the rapidity of a serpent, which the[y] termed sailing in the boat to the Lamanites.” That would make for a pretty odd Sacrament Meeting! Despite how unusual this seems to us, these were often sincere seekers of truth who didn’t know fully how to act with their new faith. These kinds of actions were at least in part why the Lord gave the revelation now contained in section 50. The Lord taught several important principles about how we can discern between truth and error which are just as important for us as they were for the saints at that day.
Lord taught in this section how the gospel should be preached and received. He
said, “Verily I say unto you, he that is ordained of me and sent forth to
preach the word of truth by the Comforter, in the Spirit of truth, doth he
preach it by the Spirit of truth or some other way? And if it be by some other
way it is not of God.” In other words, we can only truly preach and teach the gospel
if we do so by the Comforter (i.e. the Holy Ghost). The Lord emphasized again: “And
again, he that receiveth the word of truth, doth he receive it by the Spirit of
truth or some other way? If it be some other way it is not of God.” He then gave
this instruction on how tell if a teaching of action if from God: “Wherefore,
he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are
edified and rejoice together.” Here he gave us three important aspects about
truth and those things which are from God: they bring understanding,
they edify us, and they bring rejoicing. The Lord continued, “And
that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness. That which is of God
is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more
light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day” (Doctrine
and Covenants 50:17-24). That which is of God bring light, understanding, joy,
and edification. To edify means that it lifts us up and makes us feel good; it brings
peace and enlightenment. If something fills you with light and joy, if it
inspires you to do good and makes you feel good, it is of God. If something
pulls you down and makes you feel despair and darkness, you can know that it is
not of God. When you were baptized you
received the Gift of the Holy Ghost which will help you to discern right from wrong
and know when something comes from God. I encourage you to seek always to hear
the voice of the Spirit and to seek out those things which edify and enlighten,
which bring happiness and hope. I know
that as you seek to always follow the Spirit you will find joy and be led back
to your Heavenly Father.
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