Lessons from the Day of Pentecost

I think there are a couple lessons that we see in the Day of Pentecost when the Spirit was poured out upon the people.  It was only about 10 days since Christ had ascended for good into heaven, and the Church was in its infancy.  So what would happen at this event and others around the same time would prove to be very foundational for the Church.  Devout Jews were gathered there from “every nation under heaven” at the Jewish feast, and they witnessed an incredible miracle with the gift of tongues.  “They were filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues” and “every man heard them speak in his own language” (Acts 2:4-6).  Here’s what I see as two important lessons for the new church that now had to establish itself without the physical presence of Jesus.

Lesson 1: Unity
Luke in the account was very particular to name all of the places where people were from.  There were “Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judæa, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia” (Acts 2:9-11).  And yet, despite this incredible diversity of cultures and languages present, they all became united in this experience.  They all heard the same message but in their own tongue, so for that moment at least they were all unified (at least who opened their hearts to listen) and brought together through the Spirit.  The event seems to be what happened at the tower of Babel in reverse. In that setting as the people were united in wickedness, the Lord “confounded the language of the people… and according to the word of the Lord the people were scattered” (Ether 1:33).  So they were separated by the mixing up of their language; but at the day of Pentecost they were all brought together through the Spirit despite their numerous different languages.  I think the message for the church was that as they were to fulfill the charge of the Savior to “teach all nations” unity among the members would be crucial (Matthew 28:19).  Despite cultural, geographical, and language differences, the church would have to find a way to be unified among the new Christians.  And what would unify them?  The same thing that brought them together at this day of Pentecost: the witness of the Holy Ghost.

Lesson 2: Individual Revelation
Perhaps a second lesson that was important for the new church to understand that individuals couls and should receive their own spiritual witness of Christ and the gospel.  I think it is telling that everyone received the witness personally.  The text tells us that “every man” heard in his own tongue and thus were influenced by the Holy Ghost that brought the words to them in their own language.  Jesus when He had been with the apostles had promised them the Holy Ghost; what those apostles saw here was that this promise was to everyone.  The Holy Ghost was not just for church leaders, but God would give revelation to all who would receive it.  After Peter preached boldly to them we read that “they were pricked in their heart” and Peter told them “be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ.”  That day “there were added unto them about three thousand souls” (Acts 2:37-38, 41).  So again I think we see here in the account that even though this was in some sense a group event, the individual was important with each one being baptized and each one being accounted for.  The church’s growth from here on out would be based on individuals receiving personal witnesses of Jesus Christ through the Holy Ghost and each individually would choose baptism and be cared for. 

Of course there are other lessons that we could pull from this event.  These two are certainly applicable to the church in our day.  In a global organization we must learn unity amidst people who are often very different that come together in church.  If we can’t learn to be one, then we will not be the Savior’s.  And our missionary efforts must always be based in the idea of personal revelation: we do not go forth to convince people of the gospel; rather we invite them to have the Holy Ghost bear witness individually of the reality of Jesus Christ. 


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