Cry Unto the Lord

Elder Renlund told a powerful story about the Finnish Saints in the most recent general conference. He recounted, “In 2006, I attended the dedication of the Helsinki Finland Temple to honor my father and grandparents, who had been early converts to the Church in Finland…. At the dedication, I learned something surprising. The first day of general operation had been set aside for Russian members to perform temple ordinances. It is difficult to explain just how astonishing this was. Russia and Finland had fought many wars over the centuries.” Elder Renlund explained how this came about: “A year before the dedication of the Helsinki Finland Temple, the temple committee, consisting exclusively of Finnish members, met to discuss plans for the dedication. During the meeting, someone observed that Russian Saints would be traveling several days to attend the dedication and might hope to receive their temple blessings before returning home. The committee chairman, Brother Sven Eklund, suggested that the Finns could wait a little longer, that Russians could be the first members to perform temple ordinances in the temple. All committee members agreed. Faithful Latter-day Saint Finns delayed their temple blessings to accommodate Russian Saints.” The area president at the time commented, “I have never been prouder of the Finns than I was at this moment. Finland’s difficult history with its eastern neighbor … and their excitement of finally having [a temple] constructed on their own soil were put aside. Permitting the Russians to enter the temple first [was] a statement of love and sacrifice.” For these Finnish members of the Church, being a disciple of Jesus Christ transcended everything else as they chose to show love to the Russian members who would be seeking to worship in the temple. This story highlights the fact that no matter what our nationality is or what temporal associations may be important to us, nothing should come before our identity as followers of Jesus Christ.

                As I read this story today I was struck by the timeliness given what has now been happening in Europe. Great animosity is on display between two countries, with one of them again being Russia. Perhaps the lesson we should learn from Elder Renlund is that whatever the world may do to stir up contention, we can show love across all borders and across all groups. And how do we do this? I think ultimately we have to follow the example of Nephi when he was faced with how he would treat his brothers (whom he also called his enemies). After telling how he found his brethren “disputing one with another concerning the things which my father had spoken unto them,” he made this comment: “For he truly spake many great things unto them, which were hard to be understood, save a man should inquire of the Lord; and they being hard in their hearts, therefore they did not look unto the Lord as they ought.” When we face things that are hard, especially as it relates to our relationships with others, the key to finding help and answers is to inquire of the Lord. Whether we are looking for understanding or whether we need help overcoming our hard feelings towards others, the best solution is always to turn to the Lord. It appears that is exactly what Nephi did—when he saw the state of his brothers he was “grieved” and was “overcome because of [his] afflictions,” but he went to the Lord and “received strength” (1 Nephi 15:2-6). He had described earlier, “I did cry unto the Lord; and behold he did visit me, and did soften my heart” (1 Nephi 2:16). That is what we all must do! I have confirmed the truth of this principle more poignantly than ever in recent experiences as I have turned to the Lord for help in overcoming my own negative feelings. For Nephi it was after he received strength that he was then able to face Laman and Lemuel and bear his fervent witness to them in an attitude of love: “Wherefore, I, Nephi, did exhort them to give heed unto the word of the Lord; yea, I did exhort them with all the energies of my soul, and with all the faculty which I possessed, that they would give heed to the word of God” (1 Nephi 15:25). We must all learn to put our discipleship with the Savior first in our lives and plead for His help to overcome all anger and face all our challenges with “meekness, patience, and kindness” in the love of Christ.  


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