The Persuasions of Helaman

As the war progressed between the Nephites and the Lamanites, the people of Ammon were conflicted because of the oath they had entered to not take up arms against their brethren. Mormon recorded, “And because of their oath they had been kept from taking up arms against their brethren; for they had taken an oath that they never would shed blood more; and according to their oath they would have perished; yea, they would have suffered themselves to have fallen into the hands of their brethren…. But it came to pass that when they saw the danger, and the many afflictions and tribulations which the Nephites bore for them, they were moved with compassion and were desirous to take up arms in the defence of their country.” They understandably were concerned that Nephites were dying in their behalf and they weren’t helping to defend their people against their enemies. As they considered breaking their oath that they had made about thirteen years before, their priesthood leader Helaman intervened: “But behold, as they were about to take their weapons of war, they were overpowered by the persuasions of Helaman and his brethren, for they were about to break the oath which they had made. And Helaman feared lest by so doing they should lose their souls; therefore all those who had entered into this covenant were compelled to behold their brethren wade through their afflictions, in their dangerous circumstances at this time” (Alma 53:14-15). I love Helaman’s example in this case: he helped them to keep their covenants, and surely that is what all spiritual leaders should strive to do.

                Elder Richard G. Scott described what happened in this story in these words: “Their wise priesthood leader, Helaman, knew that breaking a covenant with the Lord is never justified. He offered an inspired alternative. He reminded them that their sons had never been guilty of the same sins and therefore had not needed to make the same covenant. Though the sons were very young, they were physically strong and, more important, they were virtuous and pure. The sons were fortified by the faith of their mothers. Under the direction of their prophet-leader, these young men took their fathers’ place in defense of their families and homes.” Although the text itself doesn’t say that having their sons fight was Helaman’s idea, it makes perfect sense that it was. And Helaman showed that he truly wanted them to keep their covenants by offering to be their leader and go into battle with these young Ammonites. It is not said whether he was supposed to be a captain in the army, but he may have volunteered for that position uniquely in order to watch over these young Ammonites—clearly he loved the people he served and was willing to sacrifice for them so they could keep their covenants.

                 Elder Scott spoke about how these fathers must have felt and what happened thereafter. He continued, “Consider the tender feelings of those fathers. How must they have felt to know that the rebellious actions of their past prevented them from protecting their wives and children at that moment of need? Knowing personally of the atrocities their sons would now face, they must have privately wept. Fathers, not children, are supposed to protect their families! Their sorrows must have been intense…. Mercifully, they were taught the gospel, repented, and through the Atonement of Jesus Christ became spiritually much stronger than Satan’s enticements. It is likely they had not felt the temptation to return to their brutal past, yet by following their prophet-leader, they didn’t give Satan the chance to ‘[cheat] their souls, and [to lead] them away carefully down to hell.’ The Savior’s Atonement not only cleansed them from sin, but because of their obedience to the counsel of their priesthood leader, the Savior was able to protect them from their weaknesses and strengthen them. Their humble, lifelong commitment to forsaking their sins did more to protect their families than anything they could have done on the battlefield…. These faithful fathers sent their sons off under the care of Helaman. Though the sons fought in fierce battles where all received at least some injury, not one life was lost. The young men proved to be a vital boost to the weary Nephite army. They were faithful and spiritually stronger when they returned home. Their families were blessed, protected, and strengthened.” Perhaps the message then for us is that the greatest thing we can do to bless and protect our families is to keep our covenants with the Lord. If we will do that at all costs, He will provide the way for our escape from dangers and difficulties just as He did for these Ammonite fathers. As we hold fast to the words of the prophet like these converts did and stay on our covenant path no matter what, we will have the Lord’s strength to bless and help us.   



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