Every Kingdom Is Given a Law
In the Olive Leaf revelation, the Lord declared, “And there are many kingdoms; for there is no space in the which there is no kingdom; and there is no kingdom in which there is no space, either a greater or a lesser kingdom. And unto every kingdom is given a law; and unto every law there are certain bounds also and conditions” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:37-38). Another section adds, “When we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated” (Doctrine and Covenants 130:21). President Nelson quoted these verses in the second chapter of his recent book The Heart of the Matter and told how they changed his thinking as a young researcher in the medical field. He recounted, “My young research-focused mind exploded with possibilities. ‘Surely,’ I thought, ‘there must be laws, or truths, that govern the beating heart.’ If we could discover those laws and then ‘obey’ them, the results would be positive. It was the very idea that absolute truths, or divine laws, exist—and that following them would produce desirable results—that gave me new hope about discovering ways to repair a defective heart.” He did just that and discovered truths about the heart and how to operate on it that enabled life-saving procedures. In his case the “kingdom” was the heart and the human body, and he helped discover the laws of that kingdom.
President Nelson suggested that there are laws that govern different
aspects of life, and as we learn those and adhere to them we gain power and
confidence. He remarked, “Absolute truths are completely reliable, even
incontrovertible. They do not change. This means that procedures and practices
based on divine laws will work every time. If they didn’t, we would be afraid
to climb into an airplane. How would we know if the airplane would fly this
time? But today, tens of thousands of passengers around the world board
thousands of flights a day because we know there are divine laws that, when
obeyed, give an airplane lift. These laws of aerodynamics allow a plane to take
off, fly, and land safely. Neither doctors nor pilots have the power to change
the laws that govern their professions, but their understanding and utilization
of those laws save lives every day.” I had never considered before that every
time we enter an airplane, we are putting trust in the laws of aerodynamics
that have been discovered over centuries, but that is exactly what we are
doing. While this idea that there are fundamental laws to be learned and obeyed
is important to many secular fields, it is also central to the gospel of Jesus
Christ. As we learn to put that same trust in the laws of God, letting them
govern our lives, we obtain the promised blessings and security that He offers
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