His Love, His Power, and His Grace

One of the great blessings of the Restoration is to have modern prophets and apostles who testify of the Savior.  For the past several Sundays I have been highlighting what those leaders have taught us about the Savior in the most recent general conference.  Today I finish with the final session of general conference from last October.  President Eyring testified of an experience he had in the temple in which he heard the Spirit testify to him of an event with the Savior he had had before this life: “You felt the Savior was about to come into the place where you stood. And you felt happiness because you were eager to see Him.”  He also emphasized how we can find holiness and happiness through Jesus Christ in this life: “He made it plain that greater holiness is made possible through the Atonement of Jesus Christ cleansing and perfecting us. Only by faith in Jesus Christ, continuing repentance, and keeping covenants are we able to claim the lasting happiness we all yearn to experience and retain.”  President Eyring likewise bore witness to a man that he would see the Savior after this life: “I had a clear impression to tell him that he would soon see his Savior, face-to-face. I promised him that he would feel happiness, love, and the Savior’s approval.”  The Savior is central to the great plan of happiness of the Father and President Eyring testified of their love for us on our path back to them: “God the Father lives and loves us. He wants us to come home to Him in families. Our loving Savior invites us to follow Him on our journey there. They have prepared the way.”
               President Ballard focused on how we can successfully navigate that journey home through giving our spirits control over our bodies as we follow Jesus Christ.  To do this he quoted King Benjamin who taught that we must “[yield] to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord” (Mosiah 3:19).  As we make mistakes in that effort, he testified that “the plan is built upon the solid, sure foundation of the Atonement of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so that our sins, including the errors we make when we yield to the flesh, can be overcome through constant repentance and we can live spiritually focused.”  We do this in part by “partaking of the sacrament in remembrance of the Atonement and the perfect love that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, has for us.”  Quoting the teachings of President Nelson, he reminded us, “When we choose to repent, we choose to change! We allow the Savior to transform us into the best version of ourselves. We choose to grow spiritually and receive joy—the joy of redemption in Him. When we choose to repent, we choose to become more like Jesus Christ!”  President Ballard’s witness is that through Jesus Christ we can overcome our carnal desires and find joy in becoming like Him.   
               Elder Soares taught more about how we can overcome the natural man and follow the Savior by taking up our cross in mortality despite the difficulties we face.  He said, “Those who wish to take their cross upon themselves love Jesus Christ in such a way that they deny themselves of all ungodliness and of every worldly lust and keep His commandments.”  No matter what we have done wrong or how discouraged we may feel, “There is always hope in God the Father and in His plan of happiness, in Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice, and in living Their loving commandments.”  We can overcome our sin and feelings of hurt and bitterness that we may experience “by inviting our Savior to help us to replace our stony hearts with new hearts.”  Elder Soares testified, “Those who have taken upon themselves the name of the Savior, trusting in His promises and persevering to the end, will be saved and may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness.”  He gave this powerful witness of the blessings that come in this life for those who follow the Savior: “I testify to you that following our Master’s footsteps and waiting on Him who is the ultimate healer of our lives will provide rest to our souls and make our burdens easy and light.”
               Lastly, Elder Andersen taught about the symbolic fruit of the gospel that we can partake of in this life as we indeed follow in the Master’s footsteps.  He declared, “This precious fruit symbolizes the wondrous blessings of the Savior’s incomparable Atonement. Not only will we live again following our mortality, but through our faith in Jesus Christ, our repentance, and our keeping the commandments, we can be forgiven of our sins and one day stand clean and pure before our Father and His Son.”  Despite the many distractions and detractors that we face, he invited us, “Keep your eyes and your hearts centered on the Savior Jesus Christ and the eternal joy that comes only through Him.”  He told the story of a man who was paralyzed as a boy but who still developed immovable faith in Jesus Christ.  Miraculously he was able to marry and have a son, and at his funeral his 10-year-old son gave this testimony that Elder Andersen echoed: “Heavenly Father sent His Son, Jesus, to earth. His job was to be perfect. To heal people. To love them. And then to suffer for all of our pain, sorrows, and sins. Then He died for us.”  No matter what our challenges on earth, we can all partake of the healing and joy and love of the gospel through Jesus Christ.  Elder Andersen gave us this parting testimony of the Savior: “I humbly witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. His love, His power, and His grace bring all things of lasting worth.”  This is just a part of the many testimonies of the Savior given by modern day apostles and prophets, and how blessed we are in the Restoration to have their witness of Jesus Christ year and year to strengthen our faith and bring us all things of lasting worth through Him!


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