An Attack and a Temple in Maputo

In his address yesterday in general conference, President Nelson mentioned this harrowing experience he had: “When Wendy and I were on assignment in a distant land, armed robbers put a gun to my head and pulled the trigger. But the gun didn’t fire. Throughout that experience, both of our lives were threatened, yet Wendy and I felt an undeniable peace. It was the peace that passeth all understanding.” He did not mention where this took place, but Sheri Dew recounted the story in the book Insights From a Prophet’s Life and so I was already familiar with it. I knew that the location was Mozambique, and this old news article confirmed that it happened in 2009 in Maputo in that country. It was nothing short of a miracle that his life was spared, and the Lord knew that He needed President Nelson’s life to be preserved. What struck me as most surprising yesterday when he chose to relate that story was that he also announced a temple to be built in Maputo, Mozambique in the same talk! The very city where someone attempted to kill him will someday have a temple of the Lord under his direction. Perhaps President Nelson wanted to make a subtle point that this is how we fight back when the adversary attacks: through the power we receive in the ordinances of the house of the Lord. I think the announcement is especially surprising because Mozambique already has a temple that has been announced in Beira. That announcement came in 2021, but construction has not yet begun. The two cities are very far apart (1140 km), but the country only has 44 wards and branches. But the Lord is clearly working to lessen the powers of evil there and strengthen the Saints through the ordinances of His house. It reminds me of the famous quote from President George Q. Cannon: “Every foundation stone that is laid for a Temple, and every Temple completed … lessens the power of Satan on the earth, and increases the power of God and Godliness.”

                Not long after the attack on them, Sister Nelson related the experience to a group at a Time Out for Women event and shared what she learned from it. She related, “The four armed robbers had one intention, to (harm) my husband and to take me hostage.” An article summarizing her message related, “Sister Nelson said the attempted robbery and abduction was a sobering experience that confirms that ‘life is a spook alley,’ but she said she takes comfort in the scripture that advises the righteous to ‘fear not what man can do.’ Her account of the attack helped illustrate several points. She said the first of the four armed men didn't barge into the home, but casually entered almost unnoticed, exactly like the adversary does. Unbeknownst to those inside eating dinner, the intruders overcame the unarmed guard outside the mission home, she said. They then watched Elder Nelson and the others through the windows of the mission home, waiting for the right moment to attack. ‘The adversary knows your whereabouts,’ Sister Nelson said. ‘The robbers didn't barge in, they just sauntered right on in exactly like the adversary. It struck me as well that we, therefore, as women need to be hypervigilant about what's coming into our home, on the Internet, the computer and the TV.’” Like President Nelson she recounted the peace that she felt during the experience: “Just before that man walked in, an intense, beautiful peace came upon me. If you're ever in a situation where you doubt God, just call me. I will tell you. I have felt that peace." Her application is a powerful one, and for the rest of us who likely won’t have a similar experience, we will surely face the subtle attacks of the adversary who attempts to enter our home through the internet and our electronic devices. A physical alarm system won’t keep his influences out, but our focus on Jesus Christ and our faith in Him will. His invitation and promise to us is found in these powerful words: “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not. Behold the wounds which pierced my side, and also the prints of the nails in my hands and feet; be faithful, keep my commandments, and ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven” (Doctrine and Covenants 6:36).   


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