The Song of the Righteous

To my son,

                Lately you have been listening to music more and finding the enjoyment that music can bring into our lives. Today I want to encourage you to always seek the very best in your music choices and to stay away any music that drives away the Spirit or promotes that which is contrary to the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We know from the scriptures that music is important to the Savior. When He was about to go to Gethsemane where He would suffer for our sins, they sang a hymn first (see Matthew 26:30). That must have provided Him great comfort as He prepared to perform the most difficult act in all of eternity. In our dispensation He told Emma Smith: “It shall be given thee, also, to make a selection of sacred hymns, as it shall be given thee, which is pleasing unto me, to be had in my church. For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads” (Doctrine and Covenants 25:11-12). She put together the first hymn book for the Church and learned that righteous music that comes from the heart is a prayer to Him. He also said this to William E. McLellin, “Keep these sayings, for they are true and faithful; and thou shalt magnify thine office, and push many people to Zion with songs of everlasting joy upon their heads” (Doctrine and Covenants 66:11). Good songs can indeed bring us joy and help us to come closer to the Lord. To Brigham Young the Savior also gave this counsel to the Saints who were traveling west to find a new home: “If thou art merry, praise the Lord with singing, with music, with dancing, and with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving” (Doctrine and Covenants 136:28). Music indeed is a way that helps us to feel “merry” and through righteous music we can praise the Lord.  

There is so much music available to us, and we must be very careful to only listen to that music which will uplift us and invite the Spirit. The For the Strength of Youth pamphlet gives this counsel: “Seek that which uplifts, inspires, and invites the Spirit. As you make choices about what to watch, read, listen to, or participate in, think about how it makes you feel. Does it invite good thoughts? Stay away from anything that mocks sacred things or that is immoral. Don’t participate in anything that dulls your judgment or sensitivity to the Spirit, such as violence, alcohol, and harmful drugs. Have the courage to turn off a video or game, walk out of a movie or a dance, change your music, or turn away from anything that is not consistent with the Spirit.” You will undoubtedly have many opportunities turn something off that is not appropriate or edifying, and I hope you will have the courage always to do that. If it takes the Lord’s name in vain, swears, speaks of inappropriate things, seeks to agitate you, or drives the Spirit away in any other way then it is not worthy of your ears. President Nelson gave us this counsel: “Do not degrade yourself with the numbing shabbiness and irreverence of music that is not worthy of you. Delete the rubbish from your minds and your iPods. Protect your own personal standards! Be selective! Be wise! Do not allow unworthy, raucous music to enter your life. It is not harmless. It can weaken your defense and allow unworthy thoughts into your mind and pave the way to unworthy acts. Please remember: ‘That which [does] not edify is not of God, and is darkness. That which is of God is light.’ [D&C 50:23–24]” I hope that you will use that scriptural passage as your standard for the music that you listen to: does it edify? If it lifts you closer to your Heavenly Father, then you should embrace it. If it drives the Spirit away and pushes you further from the Lord with inappropriate messages, then you should reject it. Remember that it doesn’t have to swear in order to be unpleasing to the Holy Ghost. I hope that good music will always be a part of your life and bring you closer each day to the Savior and your Father in Heaven. 




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